Beauty Services
Signature Clean Beat $50
A classic clean makeup application with no eyeshadow. Foundation routine, contour & highlight, brows, lashes, blush, lipstick/lipgloss. 1hr
Subtle but Sexy Glam $60
A more sexy glam. Having the eyes appear sultry. Foundation routine, contour and highlight, eyeshadow (browns, black or neutrals), brows, lashes, blush, lipstick/lipgloss. 1hr 20mims
Full Face Glam $70
A all out glam with more colors and designs (graphic liner, bold cut crease). Foundation routine, contour and highlight, brows, lashes, blush, lipstick/lipgloss, eyeshadow (colors) 1hr 30mins
The Infamous Glitter Glam $80
Speaks for it self. Celebrating a birthday or prom this is for you. Foundation routine, contour and highlight, brows, lashes, blush, lipstick/lipgloss, eyeshadow (colors), glitter (top and bottom if you prefer) Up to 2hrs